Press Release: Guess who turns 35 years old? The NTCI Celebrates 35 year legacy of protecting natural and built heritage
This year, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) proudly celebrates our 35 year legacy! The NTCI was established in 1987 as a non-profit organization to preserve natural environments and places of historic significance for present and future generations of the Cayman Islands.
The NTCI extends a heartfelt appreciation and deep gratitude to all of our members, donors, corporate sponsors and supporters internationally and locally over the last 35 years. It is the generous donations and dedicated support we have received during this time that has given the National Trust the ability to act as custodians of ecologically sensitive habitats, the endemic blue iguana and historical sites significant to Cayman’s unique heritage.
The NTCI takes great pride in having the privilege to educate schools and our community about the vital work carried out by the National Trust across the three islands. The organization continues to safeguard 12 historical sites (as well as the Clayton Nixon home which currently stands on the grounds of Mission House) and 13 environmental properties on all three islands. In addition, the newly renovated Blue Iguana Conservation Facility, features wonderful semi-wild habitats to home a healthy population of blue iguanas, that were once on the brink of extinction.
Chairman for the National Trust Olson Anderson stated “The National Trust looks forward to more incredible work throughout all of our programmes in the new year. Some of our notable achievements from 2021 included the launch of our Youth Stewardship Programme, International Blue Iguana Day, purchasing critical habitat in Little Cayman and Grand Cayman and updating our Heritage Registry. We are inspired by our past and encouraged by our future, as we carry on our legacy.”
There were will be various activities launched throughout the year to celebrate the 35th anniversary including a special National Trust week and the community is encouraged to join in these activities as the Trust charts a new path towards the legacy of cultural, historic and environmental preservation.
To read our full press release click this link.