Welcome to the Little Cayman District Committee of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands

The Gladys B. Howard Visitors Centre and Gift Shop
The Gladys B. Howard Visitors Centre and Gift Shop, established in 1992, is located on the edge of the 455 acre Booby Pond Nature Reserve where the interaction between Red Footed Booby and Magnificent Frigate birds can be observed daily. The Centre includes an observation deck with telescopes, exhibits on the natural history, flora and fauna of Little Cayman, and a library. Lectures are offered weekdays and by special appointment to school groups, researchers and island guests. The Booby Pond owned by the NTCI hosts the largest breeding colony of Red Footed Booby birds in the Western Hemisphere and is designated as a Ramsar Convention wetland of international importance.
Sister Island Rock Iguana Preservation
Protection of habitat and nesting areas of our native and endangered Rock Iguana population is an important part of the LCDC mission and the National Trust holds one of the largest known communal nesting sites on the Island in Preston Bay west of the airstrip. Rock Iguanas are protected by Law and volunteers are trained under the supervision of the Department of the Environment (DoE). Volunteers work in concert with the DoE on ongoing research and data collection including tagging, microchipping and collecting blood for genetic analysis to help conserve and ensure the survival of this unique, iconic animal of Little Cayman.

Wildlife Rescue, Care and Rehabilitation
Volunteers working with the DoE provide medical treatment, care, and rehabilitation to rescued and injured wildlife with the eventual reintroduction of animals into the wild.
With no permanent professional veterinary services available on Little Cayman, under the LCDC Sister Islands Rock Iguana Special Project initiative, funds for which were raised at the 2019 Easter Auction, veterinary first aid and medical treatment training for volunteers and DoE staff was facilitated.
In addition, the Little Cayman District Committee has committed funds for off Island veterinary services for injured wildlife.
Land Acquisition
Preservation of natural habitat is, and has been, a critical task of the Little Cayman District Committee. Indeed, preservation and protection of the natural environment for present and future generations is a mandate of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands. Over 500 acres of land have been acquired and held and protected in perpetuity including the Booby Pond Nature Preserve, the Preston Bay Rock Iguana communal nest site, Sparrow Hawk Hill and most recently, 17 acres of Rock Iguana habitat on the Nature Trail at the west end of the Island where pressure from land development is beginning to occur.

Green Iguana B’Gonna
With immense foresight, a few dedicated individuals stepped up in 2007 to prevent the arrival of and control and eradicate invasive green iguanas from our island long before the numbers reached crisis proportions requiring millions of dollars to address. Originally founded by two divemasters, GIB’G was incorporated as a Little Cayman District Committee initiative to expand its scope and facilitate needed funding. To date approximately 75 greens, some pregnant females carrying dozens of eggs, have been removed from the fragile Little Cayman ecosystem. In 2017 hybrid green/rock iguana hatchlings were discovered, proving greens pose an existential threat to our unique species.
Full Moon Plastic Pickup
Our dedication to maintaining a clean, natural environment gave rise to this monthly ocean plastic and flotsam cleanup of our island’s beaches. We started cleaning four of the most visited beaches, Jackson’s, Preston Bay, Spot Bay Beach and Point of Sand. Over time as these beaches remain clean for long stretches of time depending on prevailing wind and wave conditions, we have been able to add Owen Island, South Hole Sound, the West End Lighthouse and others to the list. Our local resorts and businesses sponsor this full moon event providing food and refreshments for volunteers that help keep our beaches pristinefor all to enjoy.

Little Cayman District Committee of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands
Gladys Howard Visitors Centre, Guy Banks Road, Blossom Village, P.O. Box 35, Little Cayman KY3-2501
T: 345 623-1107, E: littlecayman@nationaltrust.org.ky Facebook: Little Cayman National Trust