May 3, 2022
‘Art Your Part’ Community Mural Competition
‘Art Your Part’ Community Mural Competition
Contestant #2 of 4: Christina Pineda of Art Nest Creative Studio
Representing National Trust for the Cayman Islands
The voting system to determine the winner is multi-tiered.
The first round of voting is public based and will take place via the Rubis Cayman Islands Facebook page. This accounts for 20% of votes/likes. Four local judges will adjudicate the remaining 80% and select the winner and runner-ups.
The winner and runner-ups will be announced on May 12th, 2022, at the official Rubis 10th Anniversary event.
My Design is inspired by all of Cayman’s land-based heritage including natural and historical elements.
I’ve used flagship species to bring attention and awareness to these important creatures most of whom are critically endangered (blue iguana, cayman parrot, cayman butterflies, and native flora)
I’ve also used an iconic Caymanian Cottage as the centre piece of the design to show the how historically we managed the delicate balance between natural and man-made habitations. The surrounding nature represents how natural environments were there before we were and can thrive if we build sustainably.
There are two sets of mangroves represented in the design- the set closest to the parrot is a digital looking design which is representative of the blue carbon stored in mangroves that can be converted into carbon offsets through the National Trust Island Offsets programme.
The second set of mangroves represents how interconnected we are as people and a society. Alone we can’t withstand the storms of life as easily as we can if we have a supporting root system to rely on. We need each other, and we need nature.
The sun above the blue iguanas back has a double meaning: firstly we know that blues thrive in sunlight. And the sunset design (inspired by the gorgeous sunsets I experienced at the mural site itself) depicts that the ‘sun nearly set’ on this important endangered species and is an urgent reminder that if we don’t keep up conservation efforts this could happen again.
My love of patterns originates from our heritage and the patterns featured throughout the design is inspired by Caymanian fretwork patterns and other patterns I grew up immersed in (breeze bricks, thatch weaving, fish pots).
I also deliberately made the design more whimsical than realistic to inspire a renewed wonder at seeing these creatures, flora and historic buildings reimagined in a fun and exciting way and invoke a deep sense of national pride for the amazing things that can only be found in Cayman.
I also inscribed the national song on the cottage which from a distance just looks like a pattern and is a pleasant and interesting surprise when viewed up close.
This mural was deeply meaningful to me being a lover of our Caymanian heritage and the former Director of the National Trust. I am honored to have had this opportunity.