Climate Fair
The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is very excited to invite schools across all islands to take part in Cayman’s first ever Climate Fair and competition! Understanding the impact of climate change is becoming more and more important as an Island Nation on the frontlines of the climate crisis, but sometimes good old fashion climate posters don’t quite bring forth the urgency, so we are very excited to host our non-traditional Climate Fair, communicating climate science through traditional science posters, but also the arts!
This is a wonderful opportunity for students to get creative while learning about how climate change is affecting our beautiful islands, and a chance for them to win some wonderful prizes for their efforts! We also invite members of the public to come and interact with youth and get their youth perspective on how climate change is impacting them and their futures!
It is going to be taking place Saturday, June 15th, 10:00am-4:00 pm at the Prospect Playhouse, the application to register students is live, register here
Registration for the event will be closing Friday, May 24th, 2024.
Thank you to our grant funders RESEMBID Resembid 2023 and our venue Cayman Drama Society
We hope to see you there!