Free Virtual Lunch & Learn: Towards a Nature-Positive Economy
Sign up for our free virtual Lunch & Learn on Zoom happening 10th August at 12:00pm, featuring special guest speaker Dr. Ralph Chami for his talk ‘Towards a Nature-Positive Economy.’ Email info@nationaltrust.org.ky to reserve your spot and receive a Zoom link for the Lunch & Learn.
In this presentation, Dr. Chami will highlight the value of a living and thriving nature to our economic well-being. He will then lay out the foundations for a nature-positive economy and spell out the steps needed to develop this new paradigm. With Nature at the center, this new economic system will ensure a sustainable and shared prosperity. Both Nature and its stewards, ie, local communities will benefit in perpetuity, such that nature is protected, restored and rejuvenated. Moreover, local and indigenous populations will benefit from better health, meaningful and sustainable employment and income.