What makes the Cayman Islands special? To some, it is the pristine beaches; to others, it is our bustling tax-free economy. But to all, it is our unique wild environment and our charming heritage. It is the rare and dear Blue Iguana, the majestic Mastic Reserve, and the colony of 20,000 Red-Footed Boobies in Little Cayman. It is the historic homes and heritage sites that celebrate Cayman’s early years. Sign up to become sponsor of a specific environmental site, historic property, endangered species, educational platform or special event.
Environmental Sponsorships
Support the protection of native flora and fauna by protecting the areas in which they depend. Sponsorship directly aids the acquisition of environmentally-important land and the maintenance of Trust-owned wildlife reserves.

Salina Reserve & Colliers Wilderness Reserve
Protect a mosaic of habitats: primary forest, shrublands, wetlands and the home of our released Blue Iguanas.
All donations accepted

The Land Reserve Fund
Donations to the Land Reserve Fund are specifically used to purchase environmentally-critical areas, including our nine nature reserves across Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman.
All donations accepted

Governor Michael Gore Bird Sanctuary
This bird sanctuary is a roosting, feeding and breeding habitat for 60+ freshwater birds.
CI$5,000 per annum

Brac Parrot Reserve
This reserve supports several breeding pairs of the endangered Brac Parrot.
All donations accepted

The Mastic Reserve
Safeguard the largest, contiguous area of untouched, old-growth forest in Grand Cayman.
All donations accepted
Conservation Sponsorships
Ensure the continuity of critical scientific field research and the study of Cayman’s native and indigenous species to further our knowledge and monitor the populations of endangered animals.

Blue Iguana Conservation
As we move into Phase II of the programme, we need your continued support to build a better facility to house our Blue Iguanas, monitor released Blues and generally improve the care of this endangered species
All donations accepted

Bat Conservation Programme
The Bat Conservation Programme aims to conserve the population of Cayman’s native bat species by working with homeowners to ensure bats found in roofs are rehomed in a nearby bat house. We also work to educate farmers on how to protect their crops from bats.
All donations accepted
Historic Sponsorships
Be an active member in the acquisition, restoration and ongoing care of historic sites and properties which tell the story of Cayman’s history and development from the 1700s through to modern era.

Save Our Sites Campaign
Support the ongoing restoration and maintenance of our 13 historic sites.
All donations accepted

Nurse Leila’s House
Sponsorship covers the cost of ongoing maintenance insurance of Nurse Leila’s midwifery home.
CI$3,000 per annum

Guard House Park
One of the three lines of defence against invaders in the 1800s
CI$2,000 per annum

Old Savannah Schoolhouse
Sponsorship covers the cost of repairs to restore and reopen the schoolhouse.
CI$2,200 per annum

Historic Plaque Programme
Help identify buildings of historic interest with descriptive metal plaques.
All donations accepted

Traditional Cooking & Craft Classes
Sponsorship covers the cost of ingredients for cooking classes and supplies for craft classes.
CI$2,000 per annum

Mission House
The signature property of the National Trust and one of Cayman’s oldest buildings.
CI$5,000 per annum

Dr. Roy’s Ironshore
A beautiful historic site named after our National Hero, Dr. Roy McTaggart.
CI$500 per annum
Education Sponsorships
Empower people of all ages with hands-on learning, lectures, training seminars and public awareness campaigns. By providing an understanding of our natural environment and built heritage, we all work together to preserve and maintain what makes the Cayman Islands special.

National Trust Summer Camp
Campers are exposed to Cayman’s natural and cultural heritage through field trips, engaging lessons and fun, hands-on activities.

Heritage Heroes Youth Conservation Club
A school club where students are taught to protect Cayman’s natural environment, history and culture.

Families in the Wild
A programme devoted to fostering fun and learning through exploration of the great outdoors. Sponsorship covers event logistics, venue rentals and food and beverages.
CI$1,000 per annum

Speaker Series & Workshops
Lectures and workshops which provide a forum for adult learning and discussions with experts on a variety of topical issues. Sponsorship includes fees for local speakers, materials and food and beverages.
CI$500 per annum

Little Explorers Playgroup
An early childhood playgroup that encourages infants and toddlers to learn holistically in a natural setting. Sponsorship covers art materials, story books and organic snacks.
CI$1,000 per annum
Event Sponsorships
By choosing to sponsor our events, you help offset a variety of overhead costs which enables us to raise even more funds for our environmental, conservation, historic and education programmes. Donations may be granted in monetary values or in-kind services.
Sponsorship benefits vary from event to event and may include complimentary tickets to the event you have chosen to support, premium logo placement at the event venue, inclusion in local advertisements and mentions in press releases and social media.

Hatitude 2021
Hatitude is our largest annual fundraiser that is the social event of the year!
Every year, the National Trust themes its family-friendly event to bring awareness to Cayman’s unique and delicate natural environment. Guests are encouraged to wear hats in accordance with the theme chosen for a chance to win a fabulous prize for best hat .
Event-goers can enjoy a lovely afternoon of tea, bubbles, sweet and savory bites, a kids’ craft corner, prize raffle and more surprises!

Speaker Series
Lectures and workshops which provide a forum for adult learning and discussions with experts on a variety of topical issues. Sponsorship includes fees for local speakers, materials and food and beverages.