Happy World Mangrove Day!
Happy World Mangrove Day! The benefits that we all derive from this amazing ecosystem are almost too many to count. They filter runoff to protect our reefs, diminish storm surge and flooding during storms, provide a nursery for the reef fish we love to eat and dive with, regulate our local weather, sequester huge amounts of carbon and so much more!
Here in Cayman, we have lost much of our mangrove forests over the past 50 years but we are lucky to still have the largest single area of mangrove in the entire Caribbean. The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is proud to protect more than a thousand acres of the Central Mangrove Wetlands for the benefit of the people of Cayman in perpetuity. This is in addition to protecting Cayman’s only Ramsar site, a wetland of international importance, Booby Pond.
Visit some of Cayman’s beautiful mangroves this week, kayak, snorkel, walk, however you can get to experience this amazing habitat. Once you spend time in the mangroves you will fall in love with them. Help us to protect even more mangrove forest on all three of our islands. Become a member of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, donate to our mangrove fund, if you are travelling consider using our Island Offsets program to make your trip more sustainable by protecting local mangrove habitat. Join us at the Cayman Turtle Centre on Saturday 29 July, to celebrate mangroves.