Intern Spotlight: Meet Madeleine Cronier
We are delighted to feature our intern Madeleine Cronier.
Check out Madeleine’s interview below as she reflects on her time as an intern at the National Trust for the Cayman Islands.
What was it like working as an intern for the National Trust for the Cayman Islands?
Working as an intern for the National Trust for the Cayman Islands was a very interesting experience as every day brought different challenges and unique experiences. Being able to see and interact with the wide variety of cultural, historic, and environmental sites on islands was very exciting for me. As an intern, I was able to learn a lot about our islands and the type of work that the National Trust does for the islands.
What was the biggest lesson you learned during your internship experience with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands?
The biggest lesson I learned while working for the National Trust was that the actions of individuals, however small, can be the catalyst for change. During my time interning, I met many people from a wide range of backgrounds who all had the common goal of preserving Cayman’s historic and environmental heritage.
What is your most memorable experience working with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands?
The most memorable experience for me was assisting the BIC team with excavating blue iguana eggs at the Blue Iguana Facility. The eggs were excavated so that they could be incubated to ensure the health of the hatchlings. I found it fascinating as I had never seen blue iguana eggs. I was very fortunate to have interned during their breeding season.
Do you feel your internship helped you learn new skills and help you grow your skillset?
This internship has helped me grow my skills as I was placed in a variety of settings, which required me to think outside of the box and go outside of my comfort zone. I was able to work creatively in designing posters and infographics as well as expanding my technical skills in MS excel.