Join Our Team- Blue Iguana Conservation Operations Manager
Job Title: Operations Manager – Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC) Programme, National Trust for the Cayman Islands
Location: Grand Cayman
Date: March 2024-2026
Reporting and other relationships: This position reports directly into the Executive Director (ED) as to performance.
Supervises: Assistant Operations Manager, Iguana Wardens, Field Officer, Interns and Volunteers.
Background: Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC) is a project under the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI), focusing on saving the charismatic Grand Cayman blue iguanas.
Job Summary:
The Blue Iguana Conservation Programme Manager (CPM) is responsible for the implementation and subsequent assessments of the Strategic Species Action Plan (SSAP) which is aligned to the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Strategic Plan (2021-2025). The postholder ensures the delivery of the activities of the conservation plan. This includes the conservation project’s captive breeding facility and ensures the care and welfare for the captive iguanas. He/she will also secure resources for conservation programs to ensure resource prioritization, allocation and work plan coherence across the program. The CPM is also responsible for conducting field monitoring activities relating to BIC, including the management and oversight of the Darwin+ Grant ‘Preserving endemic threatened wildlife populations through effective protected area management’ (DPLUS163). The CPM manages and supervises the maintenance supervisor for the national trust ensuring high quality outputs.
Working Hours:
The working hours are 45 per week. 6 day working week. 8:00am – 4:30pm.
Salary range CI$48,000 – $51,000 per annum. 20 days paid holiday. 100% basic health care coverage. Statutory pension contribution.
For FULL job description please click this link
Please send Cover Letter and CV/Resume to director@nationaltrust.org.ky by 1 March 2024