Meet Our Intern: Darcelle James
What was it like working as an intern for the National Trust for the Cayman Islands? It was challenging at first, but it was a lot of fun. I got the opportunity to meet people that are doing some amazing things and learned how to take initiative and improve my critical thinking and problem- solving skills.
What was the biggest lesson you learned during your internship experience with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands? My biggest lesson that I learned during my internship was that you must step out of your comfort zone to grow and learn.
What is your most memorable experience working with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands? It is hard to pick one as there were so many things that I did that were very memorable, but I would say something that sticks out to me the most was being able to meet visiting scientists and having the opportunity to ask them questions and learn more about what they do.
Do you feel your internship helped you learn new skills and help you grow your skillset? Yes, I feel that my internship helped me learn new skills that are essential for a working environment.