National Trust AGM 2024 Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting (“the AGM”) of the members of The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (“the Trust”) will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at George Town Yacht Club, Barcadere Marina, 606 North Sound Rd., George Town. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for registration, light refreshments will be served.
The AGM is held for the following purposes:
- To present the Annual Report and the Financial Report for the year-end June 30, 2024;
- To elect members of the Council of the Trust for 2024/25; and
- To transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
In accordance with section 6(8) of the National Trust Bye-Laws 2015 additional proposals of names for election may be made in writing and signed by the proposer and a seconder (each being a member in good standing of the Trust) and by the person so proposed for election, to be delivered by hand to the office of the Trust, or via email: director@nationaltrust.org.ky not later than the close of business two days before the date of the AGM (5 pm, Monday, September 23rd, 2024).
A member may appoint a proxy to vote in their absence; such proxy form must be delivered by hand to the National Trust office at 558 South Church St. (Dart Family Park) or emailed in pdf format to info@nationaltrust.org.ky not later than the close of business two days before the AGM (5 pm, Monday, September 23rd, 2024).
For more information or to RSVP to the AGM please call 345-749-1121 or email: info@nationaltrust.org.ky
Please note: You must be a member in good standing of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands and be 18 years of age or older to vote at the AGM.
On Behalf of Peter Davey
Secretary of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands
NTCI Council 2024-25 Nominee List
Please see the list of nominees as put forward by the Nominating Committee as of today’s date:
Council Officers
- Ashvin Murugesu, Chairman
- Emily DeCou, Secretary
General Council Nominees
- Melanie Carmichael
- Anita Ebanks
- Laura Egglishaw
- Mike Gibbs
- Chris Luijten
- Arthurlyn Pedley
- Diana Quin
- Jordan Rivers
- Candy Whicker
*To view the nominees bios as of today’s date click this link