Notice: Little Cayman National Trust Easter Auction
Dear Members, donors, friends, and supporters:
Easter Auction 2020
It is with great regret that due to the sweeping measures announced by the Cayman Islands government on Friday 13 March in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which include among other things a prohibition on public gatherings of more than 50 people, we are required to postpone the 2020 Easter Auction previously set for 11 April.
While certainly unfortunate, the Little Cayman District Committee executive council had been in discussions regarding the Auction prior to the Government announcement and believe that postponing it is the reasonable, prudent, and right thing to do given the circumstances.
We apologize to all those who have already made plans and booked travel to attend. And we are grateful to all of the many donors of items for their most generous support.
It is intended to reschedule the 2020 Auction for later this year and once things become a bit more clear as to how long the coronavirus restrictions will be in place and how the overall situation plays out, a new date will be announced.
We hope that everyone will be able to manage this situation as best they can and stay well until things again return to normal.
Mrs. Betty Bua-Smith
Chairperson, Little Cayman District Committee Of The National Trust For The Cayman Islands
P.O. Box 35
Little Cayman KY3-2501
Cayman Islands
Ph 345 948-1011, email bettyboo@candw.ky