Please Help Support the Blue Iguanas
*Message from the BIC Team*
Thank you for all the kind wishes and messages of support during these challenging times.
Staff are still working hard at the BIC breeding facility looking after all 100+ Iguanas that rely on our daily care and support. The BIC Team are ensuring our precious and endangered Blues continue to get the highest standard of care.
Sadly, due to the closure of the facility, we now have no revenue coming in from tours which is an essential funding source for the captive Blue iguanas. The cost of running this expensive and critical Conservation Programme is sadly reliant on donations and tour revenue.
Whilst we are all facing hard and uncertain times, please consider donating to our programme – any amount will be gratefully accepted. We hope that once this pandemic is over we can reopen our tours to the public.
Donations can be made via the National Trust website via the link:- https://nationaltrust-qtxdu.formstack.com/forms/national_trust_for_tor_the_cayman_islands_giving_form
Special thank you certificates will be emailed to anyone who supports us during this time.