Press Release: Governor Gore Bird Sanctuary Expands
On Wednesday 13th September 2023, H.E. Governor Jane Owen hosted a reception on behalf of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands to recognize and thank the generous donors to their Land Reserve Fund for mangroves and to highlight their role in purchasing an ecologically significant parcel of land next to the Governor Gore Bird Sanctuary in Spotts-Newlands. The National Trust relies on donations to fund critical ecosystem protection such as this, including contributions from supporters whose smaller donations make a real difference in the effort to save Cayman’s natural world. This event was organized as a way to thank them, as well as to highlight the generous, conservation-minded landowner that sold his land to the National Trust. Mr Fabian Whorms (not to be confused with the CEO of Cayman Airways) had planned to build condos on the site, but after learning of the possible negative effects the development could have on the adjacent protected pond, he decided to sell it to the National Trust so that it could become part of the bird sanctuary. “I am happy to contribute to the preservation of the future of these islands through the efforts of the National Trust to maintain the natural wetlands offering habitats for birds and other wildlife and wish them every success” stated Mr Whorms.
Click here to read full press release.