September 23, 2021
Press Release: Meet the new National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) Council (2021/22)

On 22nd September 2021, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at the George Town Yacht Club, with formalities commencing at 6:30pm. Members who were unable to attend in person were given an opportunity to vote and attend online via Zoom.
The AGM was called to order by Mark Goodman (NTCI Legal) while Peter Davey, Vice Chairman, chaired the AGM as Olson Anderson, NTCI Chairman was unable to attend in person. Neil Sherlock, NTCI Treasurer gave a report on the financials featured in the Annual Report and Annick Jackman, NTCI Executive Director gave an organizational overview. Certificates of appreciation for longstanding dedication and contributions to the National Trust for the Cayman Islands were awarded to Peter Davey and Neil Sherlock.
The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is delighted to welcome and congratulate our newly elected NTCI Council Members 2021/22.
Olson Anderson, Chairman
Zoe Foster, Secretary
Gregory McTaggart, Vice-Chairman (two-year term)
Dan Peterson, Treasurer (two-year term)
General Elected Members:
Patricia Bradley
Fred Burton
Melanie Carmichael
Lauren Dombowsky
Lisa Hurlston- McKenzie
Ian Kirkham
Ellen Lazzari
Olivia Scott-Ramirez
Robert Walker
The National Trust looks forward to a bright and productive year ahead with the new council, towards the collective goal of preserving the unique environment and historic heritage of the Cayman Islands.
To view the full press release click here