Press Release: National Trust Announces New Council 2023-2024
The Annual General Meeting (“the AGM”) of the members of the National Trust was held on Thursday, 28th September 2023, at the George Town Yacht Club, the Barcadere Marina at 606 N. Sound Rd.
The AGM was held to present the 2022-23 Annual Report and Financial Report for the year end June 30, 2023, elect members of the Council of the National Trust for 2023/24 as well as transact any other such business that came before the meeting. The AGM was well attended with approximately 60 members in person. Members enjoyed complimentary cocktails and canapes at the event. Members who were unable to attend in person were given an opportunity to watch the AGM online via Zoom.
The programme included the Official commencement of the AGM by Peter Broadhurst (Legal Counsel) with Melanie Carmichael (NTCI Chair) who chaired the AGM.
Dan Peterson, Treasurer gave a review of the 2022-23 financials featured in the Annual Report and Frank Roulstone (NTCI Executive Director) shared programme highlights.
Members were electing 9 new General Council Members from a list of 10 candidates and two officers. Once the votes were counted, it was announced that the following candidates had been elected to the 2023-24 National Trust Council:
Fred Burton, Tabitha Crowley, Emily DeCou, Mike Gibbs, Chris Luijten, Arthurlyn Pedley, Laura Powery Egglishaw, Jordan Rivers, Candy Whicker.
Alice Mae Coe (Vice-Chairman) and Dan Peterson (Treasurer) were both elected as officers, they ran unopposed and will be serving a new two year term.
District Chairpersons were also announced who were elected earlier at the District AGMs:
Eliza Strachan (Northside District Committee), Shane Edwards (East End District Committee), Robert Wood (Bodden Town District Committee), Suzan Merren (George Town District Committee), Alice Mae Coe (West Bay District Committee), Jenna Grant (Cayman Brac District Committee), Gregory McTaggart (Little Cayman District Committee).
To read full press release click here
Photo Credit: Annette Gunn