Press Release: National Trust confirms provision of comments on the draft Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
27 February 2023 – The planned East-West Arterial (EWA) extension has brought up important issues to be dealt with by Caymanian society. The issue of traffic on Grand Cayman is one that cannot be ignored any longer because of the serious impact it is having on various sectors of the population, particularly those who live in the Eastern section of the Island. The National Trust is most grateful that the Cayman Islands Government (CIG) is attempting to arrive at an appropriate solution to this issue and in respect thereto has requested public input from all and sundry on their draft Terms of Reference (ToRs).
From the time of its creation under the National Trust Law 1987 by the then Members of the Legislative Assembly, the mandated purposes of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands under Section 4. (1) of the Law, included, inter alia:-
“ (1) … (b) the conservation of lands, natural features and submarine areas of beauty, historic or environmental importance …; and
(c) the protection of native flora and fauna.”
In addition, under Section 4. (2) of the Law the National Trust is empowered to include amongst its activities:-
“ (2) … (f) the provision of information, advice and assistance to the Government and other appropriate persons or bodies for the furtherance of the purposes of the Trust;
(g) the fostering of public interest in the purposes of the Trust through public information and public education; …”
Therefore, in accordance with its mandate, the National Trust reviewed the draft ToRs and prepared comments for submission to the CIG/Department of Environment (DoE). It is the hope of the National Trust that its input will assist CIG/DoE with preparing revised ToRs that will be fit for the purpose of progressing the carrying out of the essential Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
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