Press Release: New Partnership to help tackle Climate Change between National Trust for the Cayman Islands and Island Offsets
29th June 2021 – The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) is now partnering with a new local non-profit organization, Island Offsets, to conserve Cayman’s natural heritage. Both groups are working together to tackle climate change by thinking globally and acting locally. “The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is proud of this milestone. We are delighted to be able to offer our community this unique opportunity and we look forward to the positive impact this joint venture will have locally,” states Olson Anderson, NTCI Chairman. This partnership provides individuals and businesses with the ability to offset their carbon emissions with projects located in the Cayman Islands. The benefits are twofold in that they slow climate change while supporting the protection of precious environmental habitats across the Cayman Islands. “The National Trust has been looking into the partnership for several years and I am excited to see that we have been able to formalize it and create a programme that shows that the Cayman Islands is serious about climate change resiliency and sustainability” states Annick Jackman, NTCI Executive Director.
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