Press Release: Renowned biologist Ian Redmond to visit the Cayman Islands
3rd May 2024 – The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is hosting renowned wildlife biologist and conservationist Ian Redmond for a series of events and talks in the Cayman Islands next week.
Redmond, who is Head of Conservation for Ecoflix, is best known for his work with mountain gorillas, studying with Dian Fossey in Rwanda and introducing David Attenborough to the gorillas in the 1970s. When the award-winning film ‘Gorillas in the Mist’ was made, it was Redmond who taught actress Sigourney Weaver how to grunt like a gorilla. Since then, he has advised or appeared in more than 100 nature documentary films for the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery and other channels.
During his visit to the Cayman Islands, Redmond will tour schools in each district of Grand Cayman to talk about conservation, and the importance of protecting our biodiversity.
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