Press Release: Sesuvium Marsh Habitat Land Acquisition
Blossom Village, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands – The Little Cayman District Committee of the National Trust For The Cayman Islands (NTCI) is very pleased to announce the purchase of a 14.4 acre parcel of land on Little Cayman in the Snipe Point area interior at the east end of the island. The parcel contains part of the Sesuvium Marsh habitat, one of ten distinct habitats found on Little Cayman that were first listed by D.R. Stoddart following a joint Royal Society and C.I. Government scientific expedition to Little Cayman in 1975. Sesuvium Marsh is the smallest of these habitats found on Little Cayman and only in this area.
As many will know, much of the Cayman Islands natural interior is covered in dense vegetation whether low scrub, mangrove forest, or dry woodland. Sesuvium marsh is one of the few naturally occurring open environments, other than water features, in the interior of these islands.
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Photo Credits: Frank Roulstone