November 2, 2021

Press Release: Youth Ambassadors Travel to COP26 with the National Trust for the Cayman Islands

The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) is attending COP26 over the next two weeks in Glasgow, Scotland, along with young Caymanian representatives including Dejea Lyons, Isabela Watler and Dinara Perera. The world unites to tackle climate change at the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 COP26 and the summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Our youth representatives will have an incredible platform to speak about climate change and learn from experts. This exceptional opportunity will allow them to bring home knowledge to help implement beneficial climate policies.

The NTCI’s Environmental Programmes Manager, Catherine Childs, was able to secure these very difficult to obtain passes to the event through the generosity of the International National Trust Organisation (INTO). INTO is made up of National Trusts from all over the world, and the Cayman Islands is one of the only countries to be given passes, and the only one bringing a delegation of students. INTO thought it important to support a country that will experience some of the worst effects of the climate crisis and that young Caymanians must be a part of the conversation. “The National Trust for the Cayman Islands is proud to be attending COP26 along with youth representatives that includes Dejea Lyons, Isabela Watler and Dinara Perera. This global event is an excellent opportunity for the National Trust and the youth of the Cayman Islands to discuss climate change with experts from around the globe. It is envisioned that the knowledge gained will be shared with our community as a whole which will help create a positive impact on our environment as we continue to preserve our island for all “ says, Olson Anderson, NTCI Chairman.

To read our press release in full, click here.