Read Now: Grand Cayman Blue Iguana Strategic Species Action Plan 2021-2026
Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC), is launching the new Strategic Species Action Plan (SSAP) 2021-2026, a document that outlines all necessary objectives to help conserve Grand Cayman’s most iconic reptile species.
BIC Project manager Luke Harding explains, “Based on the expert evaluation of the best scientific knowledge available to date, this plan presents the current understanding of the challenges for future conservation efforts and the primary actions needed to work towards long term success”.
The development of this five-year plan involved the input from on- and off-island project partners* whose representatives attended two workshops (in 2019 and 2021) and brought together thirty years of research and knowledge for the compilation of this plan. The plan was made possible by funding of Darwin Initiative. Despite this being an iconic species and renowned reptile conservation project, the global interest in Grand Cayman’s blue iguanas does not reflect the awareness of their current status or conservation threats. (Click here to read our press release)
Click here to read the Blue Iguana Conservation Action Plan