Important Notice
In an effort to protect our National Trust team and follow protocols advised by CIG, the National Trust has decided to close its office at Dart Park. In addition, we have closed the Mission House and ceased all of our guided tours at the Blue iguana Conservation Facility, the Mastic Trail, Birding Tour and Paradise Discovered and will reassess the situation at the end of the month.
Of course, we will miss seeing you all. Our staff will continue to work remotely during this time and remain committed to providing you content related to the environment, conservation, wildlife and our heritage via our social media platforms, newsletter and website. So, please follow and check our social media platforms regularly for updates. We are only just an email away if you need to get in touch with us. www.nationaltrust.org.ky
Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times and as we adapt to the evolving situation. We are all in this together.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our guided tours, events and office in due course.
Stay safe and take care.
The National Trust for the Cayman Islands Team