National Trust Extraordinary General Meeting
The National Trust Chairman has called an Extraordinary General Meeting (“the EGM”) as per section 7(2) of the National Trust Bye-Laws (2015), for the purpose of discussing Trust Council’s actions in bringing a judicial review of the Government’s proposals for the Cruise Port Referendum and to authorise any potential further action depending on the outcome of the Court proceedings.
The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 09, 2020, at 6:00 PM at George Town Yacht Club, Barcadere Marina, 606 North Sound Rd., George Town.
Doors will open at 5:30 pm for registration, formalities commencing at 6:00 pm.
In the event a member cannot attend they may appoint a proxy to vote in his/her absence; such proxy must be delivered to the Trust office no later than the close of business two days before the EGM.
The proxy voting form is available below and at the Trust’s office.