The Cayman Islands Are Trendsetters In Marine Conservation Tourism
The Cayman Islands is the coastal home to 119,605 square-km of national waters that includes the deepest area of the Caribbean Sea (known as the Cayman Trench— at approximately 25,216 feet below sea level), hundreds of dive sites, 60 species of coral and more than 500 fish species. The beauty and diversity of the three islands’ marine environment has earned it multiple awards for Best Overall Dive Destination in the Caribbean and more than $69 million in marine-related tourism income (Wolfs Company, 2017).
Not surprisingly, the local government— prompted by an 80% decline in Caribbean reefs over the past 25 years— has enacted legislation placing the three-island archipelago at the forefront of Caribbean marine conservation. This push has also resulted in the growth of a diverse marine conservation business sector, with a multitude of activities and opportunities for both locals and visitors.
The following are some compelling options for avid conservationists.
Enjoy Sustainable Seafood: Sea Sense Restaurants
The Sea Sense Project is a sustainable seafood education initiative of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, helping restaurants and diners to make informed and environmentally positive seafood choices. To date, the programme endorses over 30 Sea Sense restaurants on-island. For a list of restaurants, visit https://www.nationaltrust.org.ky/education.