West Bay District Committee AGM: 30th August 2022
You are invited to the upcoming National Trust West Bay District Committee AGM
Date: Tuesday 30th August, 2022
Location: John Gray Memorial Church Hall
Time: 6:30PM
Please RSVP your attendance to WBDC.NTrust@gmail.com If you are unable to attend in person and would like to appoint a Proxy to vote on your behalf, please email WBDC.NTrust@gmail.com for the Proxy form.
To confirm your membership status is current so that you are eligible to vote at the WBDC/NT AGM (as well as at the main NTCI AGM on 22nd September 2022), please email membership@nationaltrust.org.ky or call 749-1121 or visit the NTCI office at 558 South Church St., Dart Family Park, Grand Cayman.
We look forward to seeing you there to hold officer elections for 2022/23, discuss future National Trust volunteer opportunities, projects and events in the District of West Bay.
Please click this link to review the agenda.
Kind Regards,
Alice Mae Coe
NTCI WB District Chairperson