Esso teams with Trust for Blues
As part of its contribution to the conservation of the environment and the preservation of endangered species, ESSO Cayman will be partnering with the Cayman Islands National Trust to raise awareness and much needed funds for the Blue Iguana Recovery Programme.
For every gallon of fuel purchased at an Esso service station, three cents will be donated to the National Trust during ESSO’s annual Help Us Help campaign which takes place through 26 December.
In addition, customers can purchase reusable shopping bags from any ESSO service station for only $2.50 and all proceeds from the sale of these bags will go to the National Trust also.
‘We at ESSO are very excited about this year’s Help Us Help campaign as we believe the issue of our environment and the conservation of our wildlife is a very important one,’ says ESSO General Country Manager Alan Neesome. ‘Our blue iguana cannot be found anywhere else in the world and it is our responsibility and privilege to keep this magnificent creature from becoming extinct. We are proud to partner with the National Trust to raise the necessary funds that will allow them to continue its amazing work with and for these animals. I would like to encourage everyone to fuel up and Help Us Help the beautiful ‘blues’.’